Renowned Retail Brands and shopfitters in Europe try to centralize production, logistics, fittings and maintenance in order to make economies of scale and to ensure constant quality.
By this, they send from some unique points fitting teams all over Europe to make on-site installations and maintenance.
Profit increases due to centralized production, but its growth slows in the same time because of travel and accommodation costs of their respective fitting teams. Being aware of that, retailers split their European operations to national shopfitters and shopfitting companies hire people with language skills to contact local service providers.
However, both solutions can cause underperformance. Economies of scale in production are lowering and language skills are by far not sufficient to steer local teams. It threatens the insurance of a constant quality regarding national and local regulations, commercial practices and an irreproachable comparative law.
Assembly Partners implements your European roll-outs in a more effective and efficient way. Our teams and us have an in-depth knowledge of the challenge that an efficient on-site installation is. Each site is unique to us.